Discord Cash Game

SLP Race Instructions

BlockchainSpace is proud to present the new feature of our Discord Bot, the SLP Race! Aligned with our vision to build utility for our guild partners, SLP race is your in-house Discord Cash Game feature. This will spur excitement and develop healthy competition among your scholars!

Managers will always strive to make their scholars more hungry and competitive. That is why we’ve come up with the idea to make a handy tool for managers to have friendly competitions on their own servers. This tool will motivate scholars to grind their way to the top, and this will also let managers gauge the performance of their scholars more accurately.

Guild managers can start a race using the command, and set the number of days for which the race will be running. This command will be integrated in our existing Discord Bot

Run SLP competitions for your guild in 5 easy steps:

SLP Race Instructions:

1️⃣ Invite the #AxieAcademy bot to your Discord server: https://discord.bots.gg/bots/827904759121313802

2️⃣ Register your scholars

3️⃣ Verify your $ETH wallet address

4️⃣ Run the $SLP Race command

5️⃣ Monitor the rankings (!First place medal)

Verify your wallet via the command /connect-wallet

Run the SLP Bot Race via the command /axie-academy slp-race

Sample Image

Start the SLP Race, by using the command axie-academy slp-race action: start-slp race days :1. You can also set the number of days you want to run your SLP Race.

Sample Image

Managers can also restart the SLP race. Just type the command: action: start-slp-race days: number of days(1,7,14 etc) restart:yes

Sample Image

View the rankings by executing the command: /axie-academy slp-race

Last updated