
With the introduction of Energy in PVE (Axie Infinity Adventure Mode), many players quest to level up has been made a little bit more challenging. To maximize your daily experience grind, players must guess as to which levels provide the most experience.

Experience Gained

Beating a level in Adventure mode increases your current teams experience. Without research many believe that the higher levels provide more experience, however that is not the case. Often times, certain lower levels are not only easier to beat, but they provide more experience.

See the below guide for my recommendations on which levels to farm experience on. Note that team comp may make some of these levels easier or harder, so some adjustment might need to be done depending on your team. As a general rule if you canโ€™t beat a level repeatedly, drop down one level until your Axies gain a level and then try again.

Players may also want to combine their experience farming with SLP farming. See our SLP Farming Guide for more information.

Last updated